Holidays & Grief:
Finding a Way Forward

Webinar Series

You Are Not Alone

Throughout the year, holidays are often about joy and togetherness, but for someone who is grieving, they can be particularly challenging. The absence of a loved one can feel even more pronounced during occasions filled with traditions and memories you shared together.

Our webinar series is designed to reassure you that you’re not alone in your grief. Each virtual event features speakers seasoned in the language of loss and grief — offering knowledge and understanding. With compassionate hearts and listening ears, they will share insights, stories, and tips and tools to help you carry forward.

Unable to attend? Simply RSVP, and we’ll send you the link after the event.

PLEASE NOTE: Our webinars are designed to supplement, not replace, the guidance and expertise of your funeral service professionals, health care providers, and grief and bereavement specialists. If you have any concerns, we strongly encourage you to seek professional support.

Our Finding A Way Forward Webinar Series is offered in collaboration with:

Upcoming Webinars

On Demand Webinars

Mothers & Loss

Understanding How Men, Women and Children Grieve Differently

Honoring Beloved Holiday Traditions and Permission to Establish New Ones

Additional Resources

Our panel of experts have helped curate a list of resources designed to help you navigate your grief and support those who are grieving.

Peer-to-Peer Support Groups

Looking for more support?

If your grief is becoming overwhelming and more than you can comfortably manage, please consider reaching out to a licensed therapist. Contact your local hospice, funeral service professional, or trusted friend/relative for assistance.

Supporting Men who are Grieving

Supporting Women who are Grieving

  • Hope Edelman